Brittany Lee Andersen's
Homepage 1999
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Hello there people!!!, and welcome to my 3rd attempt at a web page. I have tried several times to build a page I like and well this is it. I have added some new things, like the links to some of my favorite sites. I have lived here in ALASKA for 5 years now, and I love this place. Im originally from Pontiac Michigan. I joined the Army in 1985, when I was 16, and left MIchigan never to return again. My first duty assignment was Germany, Baumholder to be exact. I was in the 8th Infantry Division. I left there in 1987, and went to Colorado. I didnt care for Colorado Springs...and I was very happy to leave the 4th Infantry Division. From there I went to ALASKA !!!! I was stationed at Ft.Wainwright. I left the Army in 1995. As an NCO... I went to OHIO to visit my real dad..well, I should say real parent, my dad had a sex change in 1974...whew, anyways...back in ALASKA. Fairbanks sucked...too cold, too much!!! But that was the first place I went "OUT" ahhhh....ALASKALAND, a bar called "The Palace". I havent been out too much since I moved to Anchorage, since I do have a girlfriend who does not know of my other life.
>>>> Things I like to do-----go out driving up in the mountains near Anchorage. I love to ski....but I havent in so long. In April, I made a new friend DEE DEE CROSSMORE....shes the one who took my pics here in this site. She Has a web page herself( she has a great place!!!! She is a wonderful person , and Im very happy to know her. I have made some other friends here in ALASKA.....Holly in Fairbanks, Karen in Anchorage, Elexsis is in SEATTLE. Well, I dont know what else to say....But Im happy to answer any questions you may have...just give me a e-mail....and I will reply.
Have a Great day!!!
If you have any questions or comments
e-mail me @
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