Some cakes I have made!
Contact Me:
If I am online please feel free to say hello.  However if I am at work I may not be at my desk, so may not answer immediately.
I was born in England, and lived there for most of my life. In 1995 I moved through my job to San Francisco, where I lived for almost 7 years. After the company I worked for went out of business I decided it was time for a change and now I am in Thailand, in Bangkok. Its very differnt but I am enjoying it a lot - to keep busy I am learning Thai - written and spoken ! What a challenge at 43 to learn a new language - still its great fun.
Latest Addition:
See me live on my webcam.
Cooking - I like to cook Asian food, especially Thai..

Classical Music and Opera. I like music from Gregorian Chant to late 20th Century composers like Arvo Part and John Tavener. I go to concerts frequently. I used to sing in a choir, so choral music is my favorite.

I like to go Club Dancing - hey, don't knock it, it's a good form of aerobic exercise!

In the summers sometimes I go Sailing on San Francisco Bay with friends.
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