I suffer for the world ...

Yes , Jesus and I share a common past-time ,
we both see it as a duty to do what's best ,
and suffer for my children of the world .

I know your soul also hurts at times ,
Brothers and Sisters .
The almost comical tragedies played out daily
right in front of our ugly mugs ,
most all cases avoidable , big or small .

I won't even scratch the obvious , like
'the way other people drive' .
A common denominator of the people .
Everbody hates that shit !

No , my suffering for the world
is much more profoundly trivial .
Why do I live in a world with my peers blessed with
a godly organ such as the human brain ,
full of yearning , creativity , inspiration ,
and an incredible storage of information !
And what do my people exude ?
They can recall every old tv rerun ,
our prattle off trash as fleeting and
insignificant as scores of recent sports games ,
but most likely cannot recognise
even one twinkling star from our heavens that roll over our dumb heads
every night , for our entire life ,
and lives of past and future !

Heck , most people don't even know what direction
South is , even though it always the same place !
This is my suffering .

We truly live in the Age of Information .
Never before have we been such vast commuicators ,
where we can give shout-outs across the globe
at the speed of light , practically free ,
and the mountain of
medical , technological and scientific knowledge ,
which is ever so rapidly expanding ,
is always at our oily fingertips !
Knowledge is not only power ,
it's a fundamental ;
why the way things are the way things are .
Don't you have any curiousity as to
what makes the world around you tick ?
I don't mean soap operas or cool tire rims .
Shit , there are souls at large who still believe
Earth was made , ...like , a few years ago ,
and some people even think wrestling is for real !
Are you beginning to feel my pain ?

I suffer like Jesus....