Interview with Miss Informed: Part 2

Mary Ellen:
<HACK!> Okay, I'b Sorry To Say, Dat I Caddot Perforb today, ::sniff:: as I ab sick. So Leeor is gobig to help be out, by inderviewig Miss Idforbed ob today's show....


Leeor: Good afternoon, Miss Informed. Welcome back to the show!

Miss Informed: Thank you Leeor. I have a few more questions and some things on my mind I would like to say.
Leeor: Go ahead Miss Informed. I'm listening.

Miss Informed: Well first of all, I hear you're gay. Is this true?
Leeor: Well, yes actually.

Miss Informed: Well, isn't homosexuality sick? I mean, it's unnatural.
Leeor:That's not entirely true. First off, we're not sick. At least most of us aren't. Yeah, there are the wierd ones, but the heterosexual community also has its wierdos. As for being unnatural, in the sense of pro-creation, there is a slight problem. Yeah. Sleeping with the same sex kinda defeats the purpose of even having genders. However, and you might be interested in hearing this, homosexuality is not isolated to the human population. It has been documented in many species of birds and mamals. Basically, anything can be homosexual... cows, dogs, cats, mice. You name it. So my question to you, is it really all that unnatural?

Miss Informed: Wow. I never knew that. But isn't it just wrong?
Leeor: It all depends on who you are. For some people, it may feel wrong. Religious people for instance. To them, it's just not right. It really depends who you are and how you feel about the whole subject.

Miss Informed: Oh. I have a question though. Dr. Laura says that homosexual men are predatory on young boys. Is this true?
Leeor: Well, first off, let me state for the records that I hate Dr. Laura with a passion. Her BS has no basis in reality no matter if she has a PHD or anything else.

Now to answer your question, that is simply not true. Not all homosexual men are predatory on young boys. I'm a perfect example. I'm 17 and the youngest I've ever been interested in was 13. As for her so-called "gay men" that agree with her, I don't know what she's talking about. There are far more straight men that are predatory on girls than there are gay men preying on young boys. And her "statistics" are also wrong. The percentage is actually higher with straight men. Yes, we do have the sicko's here also. I'm not saying we're all good. But straight men aren't all good either.

Miss Informed: Dr. Laura says that she can cure homosexuality. Can people really do that?
Leeor: No. Homosexuality is not an illness and is not  a state of mind. It is a genetic code within our DNA which can't be changed with our current technology. There is no way, physically or mentally, to 'cure' homosexuality. And again, it is not an illness, not a disease.

Let me just interject for a moment and clear up a few questions. Dr. Laura may have a PhD, but that doesn't mean she knows what she's talking about when it comes to homosexuality. She give her biased and false OPINIONS. None of her 'facts' have any basis in reality. Her 'religious' junk is nothing more than bigottry. I am ashamed that she is part of my religion. She should never have been allowed to convert. But again, she is totally ignorant about the subject and loves nothing more than to belittle and dehumanize people. Do not take her word for anything when it comes to homosexuality.

As for her 'treatment of homosexuality', it's nothing more than brainwashing techniques and tricking one into blieving they're straight. It's bogus and it can't be done. Those who think they were cured will find themselves unfulfilled in a heterosexual relationship no matter how good it appears.

Miss Informed: What exactly is homosexuality then?
Leeor: It's as I said it was. It is a genetic code in our DNA that causes homosexuality. It can be considered an error in or genetic make-up that defeats the purpose of pro-creation, but it's not isolated to the human race. Again, it can be found in birds and other mammals. This is not my opinion. Scientists are leaning toward a genetic 'mistake' if you will in the coded information in our DNA which leads us to become attracted to the same sex rather than the opposite. Also, homosexuality can be found in 10-15 percent of the entire human population along with just about any other mammal and species of bird. (little trivia stuff there).

Miss Informed: Well. I learned a lot today. Thank you for having me on your show again!
Leeor: And thank you for coming. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to call back! Good night.


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