Going to a Special School...

What is a Special School?
Sometimes, whey you are seriosly depressed, your school, or your parents may want to send you to a special school for the emotional distressed. Thease schools have a modified curiculum, and/or smaller class rooms better suited for students who have emotional problems.

What do thease schools do different?
Thease schools have one or more of the following:

-Understanding Staff
-Smaller classes
-Modified gym class

What do thease schools do the same?
Usualy thease schools want you to put forward a good effort, and try to learn, just like any other school. The school ussualy meets all standards according to the law.

I want to take this opportunity to say that if you find the right school, it can be very beneficial. I myself go to a special school for teens with depression. It has helped me a lot. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to e-mail me at different_web@yahoo.com My dad is a director of special ed in a school district. If I don't have the answer, he probably does.