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Gina's Dressing Rooms


Hi there, its Gina here. Thanks for calling in.

Thank you all for your kind comments and compliments by mail and guestbook. You have all been so kind. I leave this door open on the inner me for you all to enter and look around. I hope you will enjoy the visit and please keep calling in.

To everyone who visits this page, please be aware there is no pornography here but there are images of the woman I can be on the inside. There are some who may be offended and many who need to mature in years or outlook before they should proceed.

New update coming July 07

  If you want to find out more about gina, and others like her then please take your time to look around this site. On the other hand if you feel this is not the place for you then you can click the PANIC button to the left and be ejected to some more convential site, or you could bite your lip, take a look around and leave wondering exactly what your objection was in the first place.

Whatever your reason for visiting I hope you enjoy your stay and that you will call back sometime.

Please e-mail me or leave a short message in my guestbook before you leave. Let me know what you enjoyed and also what you didn't. On that note, please do your part to keep the web a fun and interesting place to be and don't send crude or abusive messages - it serves no useful purpose and will definitely get no response from me.

My site is listed at:
Susan's Place
Transgender Resources
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