Plane Trip

A pilot gets on the loudspeaker shortly after takeoff and says to the passengers, "Folks, welcome aboard flight seven-eighty-nine to Cleveland.  We'll be flying at thirty-five thousand feet, and expect to land in an hour and a half.  Sit back, relax and enjoy the flight."

He forgets to turn his microphone off, and turns to his co-pilot, yawns, and says, "Why don't you take over for a while?  I'm going to take me a big healthy shit, and then I'm gonna fuck the brains out of that pretty blonde flight attendant working back in coach."

His announcement goes over the whole plane.  The pretty blonde flight attendant back in coach hears it and exclaims, "Oh my God!" and starts running up towards the cockpit.

An old lady sitting in one of the aisle seats stops her and says, "Relax, honey.  He's gotta take a shit first."

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