A Little Nature Story

There's a lake in the woods and a fly is flying over the
water. There's a fish in the water, and he thinks, if
the fly drops two inches, I can jump out of the water
and eat the fly.

There's also a bear beside the river and he thinks,
if that fly drops two inches, the fish will jump out
of the water, and I can eat the fish.

There's a hunter in the woods and he thinks, if that
fly drops two inches, the fish will jump out the water,
the bear will go after the fish, and I can shoot the

There's a mouse behind the hunter, and he thinks,
if that fly drops two inches, the fish will jump out
the water, the bear will go after the fish, the hunter
will shoot the bear, and the recoil from the hunter's
gun will make the ham and cheese sandwich fall out of
his pocket.

There's a cat watching the mouse, and he thinks, if
that fly drops two inches, the fish will  jump out the
water, the bear will go after the fish, the hunter
will shoot the bear, the recoil from the hunter's gun
will make the ham and cheese sandwich  fall out of
his pocket, and I can eat the mouse.

So this is what happens: the fly drops two inches, the
fish jumps for the fly, the bear goes after the fish, the
hunter shoots the bear, the recoil from the hunter's
gun knocks the ham and cheese sandwich out of his pocket,
the mouse goes after the sandwich, the cat goes after
the mouse, slips, and falls into the water.

The moral of the story? It takes a lot of foreplay to
get a pussy wet.

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