Let's take this slow - the first word is Alternative, not to be confused with "Alternate".  (YES that is what the book said!!)  The actual definition of Alternative: n. (ol-tur' ne-tiv) 1. a.)  The choice between two mutually exclusive possibilities.  b.) A situation presenting such a choice.  c.) Either of these possibilities.  2. a.) Usage Problem One of a number of things from which one must be chosen.  adj. 1. a.) Allowing or necssitating a choice between two or more things.  2. a.)  Existing outside traditional or established institutions or systems: "an alternative lifestyle." b.) Espousing or reflecting values that are different from those of the establishment or mainstream.

OK now lets take Lifestyle:
n. (lif' stil) 1. a.) A way of life that reflects the attitudes and values of a person or group.

That one was easy - if you have any further questions please click here - I hope that helps.

Alternative Lifestyle
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