Well, not exactly.

But as a social club comprised of gay Catholics who are also part of the Philadelphia leather/levi community,

DEFENDERS/PHILADELPHIA represents a unique facet of the Catholic Church and the gay and lesbian community.

The Defenders Leather/Levi Club was established in 1987 as a national club through Dignity/USA, a national organization of lesbian and gay Catholics. The club was created to provide men and women in the leather community a place for fellowship, support, and further exploration of the spirituality of leather. Currently, there are active Defenders chapters in Boston, Denver, Los Angeles, New York, Providence, San Francisco, Tampa Bay, and Washington, D.C.

Founded in March 1998, DEFENDERS/PHILADELPHIA is the club's newest local affiliate.

DEFENDERS/PHILADELPHIA works toward the acceptance of leatherfolks as full and equal members of Dignity and other faith-based organizations. The group also strives to strengthen the profile and role of people of faith within the leather community.

DEFENDERS/PHILADELPHIA also adheres to the belief that all sexual expression between adults should be of a safe, sane, and consensual nature. Membership in Dignity or any other faith-based group is not a requirement for membership.

DEFENDERS/PHILADELPHIA is working to establish a strong presence within Philadelphia's leather community. The club has already hosted several successful bar nights at the Bike Stop, and took part in the all-club night at the bar during Mr. Philadelphia Leather weekend.

We are also co-hosting with the Philadelphians the first annual Holiday Jollies Toy Drive at the Bike Stop Nov. 6, 1999.

DEFENDERS/PHILADELPHIA hosts monthly meetings at 7:30 p.m. the third Thursday of the month at the Bike Stop . All are welcome to attend. Membership is open to anyone, regardless of religious affiliation.

223 East Wildey Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19125.
Phone (215) 291-9222