Hello fellow netizens and welcome to my home page. I'm very glad
that you made it this far . . . and I hope that you'll stick around long
enough to get to know just a little bit more about me and my life. After
all, these days, acquaintances that begin in cyberspace are often the most
real, vivid, and long-lasting - and maybe that will be true of us......
My Background
I was born in Hong Kong at Queen Elizabeth II Hospital
and my room is like this.....
and sing sing is like this.....
and i am like this....
My Interests
I guess that the best - and fastest - way to really get to know
is by discovering what I like. So here goes . . .
I love to play computer games (especially driving games, i will
post some screenshots soon!!!), and i like listening to music, here is
a list of my favorite all time records/cds