Thanks for taking the time to take a look at my homepage.  I'll try to tell you alittle about myself and maybe that'll convince you to do the same!!! 

I retired from the Newport, KY Police Department in 2003.  It's really was an adjustment!!!  I took some time off work.  Did a few things along the way, but now it's time to get seriious and get going.  I'll be returning to college this fall to get my teaching certificate.  Will I still need to carry a gun??

Shortly after I retired, I sold my home and purchased a 35' Bluewater MY.   I lived aboard my boat for about 2 years and had a great time.  But alas, like most boat owners I sold it this past spring.  But I don't think it'll be too long before I'm back boating again.

OK, now it's your turn!!  Drop me an email!!!
Click here to send me an email!!
I was feeling alittle goofy that day!!!