taste this frenzy and this fear, i am made of ashes, i see through walls, so suffers the heart in me deathstrokes, uprooted, spurned and trampled underfoot frenzy and fear ......guilt upon him and on me
how easy it is to grow angry at the land.... it is to breed cancer, the leafless, the barren
///////////////////////////////////endless nights//////////////////////////////////i pace the floor/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////only to discover///////////////////////i am watched/////and witnessed
the lethal tide, gropes to cure, the drgs, sunlight, underground, still unborn
i coil him roud and round and at each stroke, he cries in agony.....
frenzy and fear golden his lif long, and drowns unwept, unseen
carry home my ashes... i am in the house
a dynasty of air, and burdened with a heat for him that never subsides, these stars
frenzy, choral shining and fear, a beacon proclaims a flare.......torchlit, thrown.... frenzy and fear
i lie awake for years, in weariness