The Whole Complex Shebang
My Life, This Universe, and Everything

My Life Adventures
The brief yet continuing details of a singular life, as it voyages through 3 continents and mind expanding adventures.

Friends and Family
Family and Friends can be a real unique mix of blessing and bain. Mostly, I have been blessed in this regard. These are those ties that bind me.


Ahhh.. the Sonoran Desert and all of it's beauty!

My four-footed children
Ok, I love my dogs. They are such a funny pack of paws, tails, and personalities. And somehow they all think I am the leader of the pack, which is just fine with me. Enjoy!

All of the writings here are copyright reserved. Do not pilfer them, copy them or distribute them without the express permission of the author. They are exclusively the creations of the authors, and all rights are reserved.

All of the photos here are copyright reserved. Do not pilfer them, copy them or distribute them without the express permission of the author. They are exclusively the creations of the authors, and all rights are reserved.

Interesting URL Collection
Here you will find everything from Nanotechnology and Alternative sites, full of reverant and irreverant stuff, so take a gander and see what you think.

Last Revised: July 25, 2007