Jamie Lauren Wyrick's
Home Page
My pages are receiving massive reconstruction. There were complications involved with my SRS surgery. Many still on-going. I am only now beginning to feel like returning to my writings...
Hi. Thanks for dropping in. My name is Jamie Lauren Wyrick.
This is my home on the web. I am a post-op transsexual as of November 14, 2000. If you find any of this offensive or upsetting, please hit your
[BACK BUTTON] to take you out of my site and have a good day.
My page is constantly under construction so I hope you will visit back often.
* You will find links to my pages below *
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This home page is lovingly dedicated to those persons I hold most dear in my life. Special friends that have helped me to get to the point I am in my life.
They know who they are.

I love to get mail. So if you have a chance drop me a few lines or want to sign my guest book. Constructive criticism is always appreciated. Flames will summarily be ignored!
Want To Find Out More About Me?
To find out more about me you can click on the button to the left. And be taken to my
Jump Gate area.
My e-mail address is:
"Won't you please take the time and post a message on my message board? I'd love to know who dropped by."