My Way Back

Why "The Way Back"? Eva Dahlgren of course...
Things to do when you feel down
Wonderful poems
Cooking is a great way to relax and I won't listen to opposing views...
The First Lady

This page contains info of me, suggestions on what to do when you feel down, poems and some more. I would love to hear who you are and what you do during the bad days. So, please,
Email me on
I will update this page frequently and, hopefully, I'll be able to give a story filled with hope and recovery.


This could have been me.

I had an awful 1999, as I, since feb, have been more or less depressed. But contrary to what one would expect after a year of (as it feels) isolation, I actually still have a few great, great friends, family and a wonderful girlfriend (you can almost take a look at her hereisn't she cute?).

I wish you all the very best. I know that there are a lot of people, feeling as miserable as I do from time to time! Hang in there and, please, don't give up! I'd be very happy if you'd like to sign my guestbook:

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

I intend to update this page often, especially if you feel like sending me your comments!

I've borrowed the graphics from pages with free graphics. If anyone feels offended, just email me and I'll put a link here. Here are a a couple of pages with free graphics:
Aivilo at
Matti-hu at

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