Celebrate the turn with Friends & Love
Kim's Tampa 1999 - 2000


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We even had visitors from Oregon!! to help celebrate the turn

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And they danced the century away

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Our Bartenders Dianne and Wendy

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Is this work or play time?????


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Our Karaoke King Chip and Diane the Queen Bartender

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Yet one more glass of champagne

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 The Bartenders were drunk also

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Wendy is always havin' fun!


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Lynn needs a couple to catch up with Nikki and Lisa celebrating

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Diane and Vonnie party and Work

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New Years? what's with the stockings?

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One of the spunky kitties needs a drink 


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Signals from Beth and Lynn

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Manager, Jesse puts up with us all

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Getting started Lynn, Nicki, Lisa and almost Beth

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   Nicki and Lisa   Looking     good together

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We're suppose to get a picture of this 



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Beth and Lynn Laid back for 2000

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Jesse and Dianne in deep conversation

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       Lynn & Wendy         1998 - 1999                    and now 2000

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Pam and Marcy


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Drink to the New Year





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Al and Michelle finally made it

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Lisa Ready to Party some more

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Nicki looking good and ready to play and Celebrate

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Pam and Marcy, we had to go to Thee Doll House first

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Wendy and Dianne