So, you wanna see more of me????
Hi, my name is Jeff Martini, and I am 27years old I decided to give myself a creative outlet here on the web(I don't have many creative outlets), so what the hell!!!! <giggle>

I work in a day Program for the Developmentally Disabled.  . I have also been a trained counselour for Gay/Lesbian youth for 8 years.  I have spent many of those years as an AIDS/STD educator, and after a while I needed a break.  The work is rewarding, but challenging. 

I lost my father to a massive heart attack in 1995, and in 2001 I lost my idol, my grandfather Don. My Mom has moved back home and we have all adjusted to her bieng back.  It has been a great opportunity.

I have met the love of my life, his name is Marty The Internet and the telephone have brought us together and we have begun our lives together  I love him more than anything, and I can't wait for forever to begin.
Please sign my guestbook and tell me what you think.

My Favorite Links:
Out Magazine
My Info:
Name: Jeff Martini