Well folks, here is yet another page from the master designer.
All it is basically is photos of me along with old school pals and friends from college - All my hags united on the one page.  Hope you like the new pictures, some u'll have seen, but most are freshly scanned.  Drop me a line @  Greggy12580@yahoo.com

Big hugs and kisses @:
Alan24 XXXXXXXAuntie Stevie XXXXXXKirstyXXXCorrinneXXXLauraXXXNadiaXXXStaceyXXXDeniseXXX

If i left anyone out, then i'm soooo very sowwy ;o)

My house by the way!! If ur passing pop in, I'll put the kettle on!

awww brotherly love!!!!

Christ! My mum on left and aunt Fiona!

a family get together - all of my family, the one ones

Stacey and Nadia from college (Isnt Stacey like Thelma from Scooby!!!!!!)

Sister and me, 1999

me, New Year, 2000

Kirsty and me

we're getting there!!! A few more!!!!

Kirsty and Corrinne, 2000