jan 6

my last day in LA, the stranger I grabbed off the street to take this picture has a huge one

NYLON, I stole that from the title of a magazine about New York and London, but that's where I'll be the later half of March. Details on my travel page.

my own words will be appearing in a book about etiquette and the sex business. Details soon.

fanzine available: I've been promising this thing for months for those of you whom my journal just isn't enough and I've finally hit on the right format. Each zine is hand made by me, with photos, art, found objects, and personal information for the hardcore fan.

more musical grumblings... Started on a demo, and I am looking for Bay Area musicians.

super 8 and thick... The camera man I ran into has disappeared, so my Super 8 will have to wait. Well, one of them anyway.

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