More about me: Just Me
Diary 1998
Diary 1999
Diary 2000
Hi!! This is Jess ! I am currently a final year
student studying in Uni. Guess it's not hard to guess which uni I come from from the
contents of our write-ups... ( currently, I am looking for a job, just
graduated as in June 2000 )
Hmmm... about to describe
myself???? Physical appearance? well, we've been planning to upload some photos, once we
get hold of a scanner.. so spare me the trouble of describing myself lah! You will see for
yourself. :) (hee hee..we got the photo corner out now)
Su's my Beau and yes! we are not a 'common'
couple in Singapore. "Common" does not mean normal. I chose the word
"common" to stress this point. I am in a society which is not really open to the
idea of having homosexuals amongst them. We've been too conditioned by society to be
afraid to come out to ourselves, our friends, our family. Especially when we find out that
we are not like the others...... here's a look at how I discovered my inclination. It's
not obvious to me till recent years that I am not exactly straight. Having an oppose sex
beau before doesn't classify me as straight, and having a beau who's not a guy now does
not mean that I am bi-sexual. I am still exploring and am pretty sure that I like women
alot more then men.
I am thankful for the fact that I've found
my love. Our chance meeting seemed so fated. I don't know her till she moved in to stay
with me in 1998. Since then, we've never looked back.
Guess that's all for now. |
Here's a really cute gif. Really want to
share with you =)