What happened to the site that used to be here?
It was never intended for general public consumption. Especially not by members of the straight public. Someone's "coming out" reminded me that this site could easily attract lots and lots unwanted public attention with basically zero advance warning. An overhaul has been on the "to do" list for years, but never really a high priority.
And what about the individual who inspired the site in the first place?
As far as I know, he's still "my type" and satisfies all the baseline compatibility criteria... cute, smart, multifaceted renaissance man. In all honesty, though, I haven't really given the matter much thought in ages.
Why are you wearing a brown paper bag with eye holes cut in it?
You'd be wearing one too if you'd been the one who wrote some of the stuff on the old site, just finished reading it for the first time in literally years, and realized how totally fucked up it made you look.
Yeah, it did make you look pretty fucked up, didn't it? He probably thinks you're a freak.
Thanks for reminding me. Want some salt to rub in, too? I think there's some in the kitchen...
No, that's ok... I'm having lots of fun just watching your self-flagellation.

A few months pass...

Any updates?
I recently tripped over the Nigels 11 site & heard "Say you Will". Absofuckin'lutely cool song. It rocks.