The Royal Gorge Green Party

A local chapter of the Green Party of Colorado

The Royal Gorge Greens (RG Greens) formed as a local chapter of the Colorado Green Party in Fremont County during June, 2002. We were formally accepted on June 22, 2002. We feel we are a pioneering effort in this largely rural county. The RG Greens plan to make our presence known along the Arkansas River from Penrose to Howard so progressive individuals will know they are not alone!
Contact: Charlie Green.

The Royal Gorge Greens are having our annual meeting, a tad late this year, on November 27 at 6 PM. It will be in the upstairs room at Coyotes Coffee Den in Caņon City (off Justice Center Drive). They allow us to use it free and it is reserved from 5:30 (5:30 to 6 is social time) until 8 PM when they close (and insist we leave).

I encourage all of you to come to the meeting to meet fellow Greens and help us make the local party more effective. The meeting itself should be short but one never knows with Greens; we do enjoy discussing issues at length! Anyone interested is also invited to join us for political discussion.

Green Party of Colorado
Green Party of the United States

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