RG Green Bylaws
The Royal Gorge Green Party
A local chapter of the Green Party of Colorado
Bylaws for the Royal Gorge Green Party
As Amended 8/2/02
Article I - Basic Purpose
1. This organization is called the Royal Gorge Green Party and is formed with the
intent to represent registered Green Party electors in Fremont County.
2. The purpose of the Royal Gorge Green Party is to further the 10 Key Values of the
Green Party of the United States:
Ecological Wisdom
Social Justice
Grassroots Democracy
Community Based Economics
Respect for Diversity
Personal and Global Responsibility
And Future Focus
by supporting Green Party candidates; educating voters regarding issues relating to
our values; supporting the growth of the Green Party of Colorado; and cooperating
with, and possibly forming coalitions with, kindred political groups and parties.
3. The Royal Gorge Green Party agrees to accept and abide by the bylaws of the
Green Party of Colorado.
Article II- Membership and Structure
1. Membership in the Royal Gorge Green Party is open to Colorado citizens who are
registered with the Fremont County Clerk as a member of the Green Party of
2. The board will accept the membership in the Royal Gorge Green Party of any
registered Green.
3. The right of participation of an individual in the Royal Gorge Green Party can be
revoked by a 66% vote of the members present at a Board-called General Meeting.
Revocation of the rights of participation must be based on failure of the individual to
adhere to the purpose and methods of the Green Party of Colorado. Any individual
must be informed of the potential revocation of their rights of participation at least 3
weeks prior to the vote and have a chance to speak in his or her defense at the
meeting when the vote is held.
Article III - Officers
1. President - Preside at meetings and be the main contact for the group.
2. Vice-President - Fill in for President if absent
3. Secretary/Treasurer - Shall record minutes and distribute to all members within 30
days and shall keep all records and make them available to any member to view upon
4. All officers will be elected by simple majority. All officers will serve a 4 year term.
Article IV - Board
1. The Board of the Royal Gorge Greens is charged with managing the routine business
of the Royal Gorge Green Party between General Meetings.
2. The members of the Board will consist of the above named officers.
3. Meetings of the Board can be called by a majority of the Board members.
4. Meetings held by electronic means are acceptable.
Article V - General Meetings
1. A General Meeting for all the Royal Gorge Greens will be held at least once per
2. The time and location for a General Meeting will be decided by the Board.
3. Special General Meetings can be called by the Board as they determine necessary.
4. Any General Meetings will be announced two weeks in advance
a. Notices will be mailed to all members in good standing.
b. A review of county records for new registered Greens will be conducted and they
will also be notified.
Article VI - Amendments
These bylaws may be amended on a 66% vote by members present at a Board-called
General Meeting. A written copy of adopted bylaws (with any current amendments)
will be maintained by the Secretary.
Article VII - Disbanding
1. If, for any reason, the members of the RG Greens choose to disband, a vote of 2/3
is required.
2. Any assets will be transferred to the Colorado State Green Party.
3. A 30 day notice must be sent to the state party notifying them of our disbanding.
4. The website will be closed by the webmaster.
5. All members will be given a 30 day notice of our demise.