Ian's HAPPY Homepage! |
"Not all dates are good ones. Sometimes it ends up with your sweetie doing a black man in a bathroom" - Joy from "My Name Is Earl. |
The new shows I'm loving this year!! |
Monster House - OMG I loved this movie! A cartoon chock full of horror and death - gotta love it! It reminded me a lot of something Tim Burton would be involved with! Highly recommended! |
Save the cheerleader, save the world! I am loving this show! A very unique tv show that keeps you guessing at every turn. Mondays at 9pm EST on NBC! Plus the men on this show are hot hot hot!! |
This is another new show that I adore! The characters are wonderfully catty, and again the men are hot (mostly). Betty will be a pop culture icon forever! Thursdays at 8pm EST on ABC! |
Dexter is a serial killer who only murders evil people - what could be more fun! This show is based on the series of Dexter novels by Jeff Lindsay. Fabulous books and a fabulous tv show. Sundays at 10pm EST on Showtime! |
Weeds - Holy shit! Did anyone else catch that season finale?! What a cliff-hanger! Thank god the show got picked up for a third season! |
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Click on Harry Potter above to send me email! |
Ian Michael Barber |
That's me above (on the left). I am not going to write much about myself here because I want YOU to check out the rest of my site! You will learn more about me from the various pages I have constructed! So what are you waiting for?! Read on and enjoy!!! |
Click on The Sims - the best PC game of ALL TIME to view the my favorite things page!!! |
I am posting my various chat names, so feel free to IM me if you want to talk nice! |
Mr. Potato Head is a childhood toy that holds fond memories for me. Click on him to view my Happy Bio Page! |
Yahoo Messenger: crypt1225 |
AOL IM: imb210 |
Anytime you see this Cryptkeeper icon, click it to come back to this page!!! |
Click here to visit my My Space page! |
Click on the kissing lips to see Ian's Celebrity Men To Drool Over Page!!! These guys are to die for! |
My beotches - Roxy & Miss Kitty. Notice how Kitty's gut pours over the window ledge! LOL |
Click here to see my Tales from the Crypt Tribute page. |