T-Diaries Webring
This is the home of the T-Diaries Webring. A ring devoted to Transsexual and Transgendered people who keep public diaries on the web. The practice of keeping a diary publically on the web is probably one of the longest running ideas for a webpage, and quite a few Transsexual and Transgendered people keep them as well, however there is no representation (or very little) of T people within the current Diary webrings, so a ring devoted to the subject was almost asking to be made. I myself have kept an online diary of sorts for 2 years, (though unfortunatly my lack of insight I lost what accumulated to a little over one years worth of entries) there are others who have kept diaries much longer...
The guidelines for joining this ring are rather simple
- That you have a website that has a journal or diary on it, consisting of at LEAST 5 entries. The Journal doesn't HAVE to be written, it can simply be a set of images or audio or whatever, but there has to be some sort of way people can see each 'entry' into this diary or journal you have as well.
- That the Journal or Diary be public and accessable (it does not have to be the focus of your website, there just has to be a journal somewhere, hopefully accessable from the main page).
- That you yourself are T in some form or another, you might be a crossdresser, a transsexual, a androgynous person, A drag queen, a drag king, a butch dyke who gets mistaken or a man some of the time, a transgenderist, an effeminate man who gets mistaken for female now and again, etc. Some sort of T, (I don't police this too harshly you consider yourself T I don't see why not).
- That it be by you and somewhat about you, no capturing the lives of someone else, or a fictional character. Seriously people want to experience something real, from a perspective only a first person can really give, guest entries are okay though, as long as you post now and again.
- That it isn't one of the following things A) Simply A Huge Link List, that would be a blog, not a Journal though there are a few that really blur the line B) That it isn't plastered with Pornography, I won't care if it has nude pictures of you, but just not huge amounts of them all over the diary area. C) That it isn't a blatant cash grab, meaning a way to lure people into seeing your site with a gazillion banners on it so you can make money, some banners are fine... people with free hosting sometimes can't help their banners.
Thats about it if you feel you want to be a part of this ring and follow the guidelines then apply I wll review your site and either accept it or deny it. If you know you will not be accepted however do not apply, it wastes your time and my time. Thank you please enjoy the ring.
Ring Curator
Illara V. Sunsurn