Women Who Watch Men Sucking Men


home erotic stories members area erotic pictures links
web site established: Jan. 15, 2000
webmistress: thighxhighs
last updated: Oct. 14, 2002

Welcome one and all... since we have out grown the little bit of space set forth by Yahoo for the club of the same name, this space will now be dedicated to pictures, stories and anything else that comes to mind in the area of men sucking men and the women who love to watch them. Below you will find a member's photo section, these are pictures of the brave men and women who have submitting actual photo's of themselves for our viewing pleasure. There is also a section dedicated to pictures our members have found and fallen in love with around the web. You can also find a section of hot erotic stories. The ones written by our members are so marked. We hope you enjoy your visit here. If you would like to contribute anything, or have any suggestions, please feel free to email pictures and stories to wwwmsm@yahoo.com and now for the fun stuff...