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Such as they are


That's right folks, I'm a Christian!!

Or at least I consider myself to be one, others may have have a problem with considering me to be both Christian and queer. But then again, that is between them and Christ, and me and Christ.

How can I express what my Faith is, really? I have been influenced and impressed upon by so many cultures and beliefs that my present state of Faith is one that considers and seeks to understand a world that has both lifted me up and repulsed me, to the point of disbelief. 

I believe that The Lord Jesus Christ is my redeemer and my savior. Christ is my teacher, my shepherd, my anchor in the storm, and the answer to my every query.  I believe that Jesus died for my every sin, from The Original Sin, to the one I will commit to heaven with my dieing breath,  I also believe that I am what God intended me to become, and that my Judgment belongs to Christ and no other. I have faith in the goodness of my heart, and the strength of my soul. I live by the Word of Christ, by Loving and caring for mankind with an open and considerate heart. I seek to understand and to open myself to the possibilities of all God's creation; knowing that a destiny has been set for myself, and trusting that Christ's plan, for every living thing, is the only one plausible. 

I don't always succeed in being the most open minded person in the world, but I try and know that I am the only thing that prevents this possibility. I accept my short-comings and seek to understand them, so that I may better overcome my failing in the future. 

The Buddha, Guatama Siddhatha, a man of infinite wisdom, and in my heart, a true being of enlightenment, has influenced the person I am today, by his serenity and by the message he had for the people of his time and for the land of his birth. He stripped away his titles and his arrogance, to become a great teacher, to become a bringer of hope and redemption. His words are reiterated in Christ's message, and in the messages of other great men and women, such as Mahatma Gandhi, Father Francis De Assisi, Martin Luther, Martin Luther King Jr., and Mother Theresa.......A man's worth is based on his deeds and contributions he makes, firstly to his family, then his community, his government, and mostly by his earnest desire to make this world, and universe, a better place to live within, and Love upon. It is an universal message, "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you." 

We are all here to serve God, through his creations. Which brings up my astounding belief that all of creation is the Body of God, the fiber of His muscles, the tissue of His skin, the strength of His bones. We and all of the cosmos are but the machinations of His living organism. And that our actions, whether destructive or constructive, are direct actions for, or against, the very Being of our Creator. Our greatest responsibility is to maintain and nurture the environment that we have been entrusted with, by God. Think about your every action as the biological functions of an organism greater than ourselves, and know that you and myself are tasked with keeping all of our known universe healthy, safe, and operational without the least disturbance to the complete Body. 

I not only believe, but I know that we are failing our Creator; by being so disruptive, headstrong, and selfish. We have created a world that is filled with nuclear weapons, land fills, smog spewing vehicles, and our single-minded determination to destroy ourselves and anything that crosses our paths, that we have become a cancer. Yet we are Loved and we are coddled by a forgiving Lord that wants nothing, but for us to be the best persons that we can become.

As you can see I could ramble on about my beliefs for the rest of eternity. If you have any thoughts, or if you just feel like I'm full of crud.....Please get with me, anytime. I would love to hear your beliefs and thoughts, and to discuss mine in more depth. Perhaps, one or both of us will walk away with a new perspective, and a fresh approach to this incredible existence.



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