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The WestHollywood Ring
This WestHollywood Ring site
is owned by Kowboysr.
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Western Colorado/Eastern Utah WebRing
site is owned by Kento.

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This is something that I am VERY proud of!
I learned a lot being a CL, but unfortunatly I had to resign as my RL(real-life) duties began to take up to much time and I couldn't give the proper amount of attention to my CL duties....However I do NOT regret my time as a CL.
If you think you have what it takes to be a Community Leader then
go to your neighborhood "Community Center" and submit the application.
For those of you in WestHollywood,click here to find out what is involved and to submit your application.



Kowboysr welcomes you to his home on the web!...So cruise thru my different pages and check out my links to other sites and friends!I will try to up-date weekly!

UPDATED 07/22/00

I hope you enjoy and find useful my pages...check them all out! I have links to support groups and a lot of fun things.Feel free to use ANY of my icons, pics etc. I have tried to acknowledge the owners/creators where possible. If you see any that are copyrighted or you feel don't belong, or just want to comment on something PLEASE let me know!

C'mon onto the Front Porch and see what all I have to offer!

Last Updated:07/22/00