Question of the Day

A regular daily feature of the GXB-Chicago mailing list is the Question of the Day. Questions range from the inquisitive to topical to mischeivious. Here is our first question bear, Fuzzy, about the QoD.

"We welcomes suggestions of questions, themes, and formats. Send suggestions to: Question Bear

If you do not wish to receive the avalanche of email which the QoD is known to generate: I suggest filtering messages which contain 'QoD' in the subject line. This will block the QoD and a _MAJORITY_ of the replies. (There is no method which can guarantee stopping _all_ QoD related messages.)  If you need help finding the filters on your mailreader, just ask the list (be sure to include info on what mailreader you are using.)

Please remember if you reply to this message it will go to the entire GXB-Chicago maillist.

Digest readers: Your input is both welcome and encouraged.  Just because we call it the Question of the _DAY_ does not mean that you cannot respond two or three days later. These are simply topics for discussion, and your views and opinions are welcome at any point.

Digest readers: When replying to the digest version, please add 'QoD' to the subject line.

The QoD is feature of the Chicago Gen-X-Bears Chapter discussion forum on Yahoo Groups. Non-profit use of the QoD concept is encouraged. Non-profit use of the questions is also encouraged. The kidnapping of Chicago Gen-X Bear members is a lifestyle choice - be sure to ask first!

Suggestions for a shorter QoD sig are _very_ welcome!"