Welcome to the Bardic home

Zarine and Irena were Civilly Unionized April 2007

Gabriella Zarine Bardic

Zarine is very much the tomboy born and raised in the USA of European ancestry. She likes hiking, bowling, horse backing riding, kayaking, weight lifting, curling up together with Irena and watching a good comedy are all terrific things to do, depending on moods and weather of course. Zarine is 5' 61/2" and weigh more than she would care to weigh, but she is working on that by walking with Irena on her lunch hour.

Irena Joanna Bardic

Irena is also a tomboyyz born and raised in Poland and is 7 year resident of the USA. She likes tennis, hiking, biking, swimming down at the shore, and working on professional websites in her spare time. Irena is 5' 4" and is  working out on her elliptical 30 to 60 minutes a day.

Zarine & Irena live in Somerset County, New Jersey and started the fitness group tomboyyz Adventurers USA
Please join us by registering at www.presidentschallenge.org use Group # 65512 and your email when signing up.

Zarine's Interests Irena's Interests
Zarine's Personal Thoughts on Homosexual Marriage (coming soon)

Low Sex Drive - lesbianlife.about.com/od/lesbiansex/a/LowSexDrive.htm

The Star of Bethlehem http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3077385 Was Jesus of Nazareth born in winter?

Negative Population Growth

Zero Population Growth

Insincere Sex - lesbianlife.about.com/od/lesbiansex/a/InsincereSex.htm

Izabela Filipiak - izabelafilipiak.com Polish Lesbian Author

Nina Hagen - www.nina-hagen.com & en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nina_Hagen "Mother of Punk"


Under New Reconstruction as of Jan 2008


goto LesbiaNation
May 1998 and January 1999

tomboyyz.com Last Updated: Wednesday, 02 January, 2008

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tomboyyz Adventurers USA
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use Group # 65512 and your email when signing up

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tomboyyz Adventure's was created in 1998