Two Faces

When I look in the mirror, what do I see?
I see two faces making the whole of me.
One is the face I have known my life long.
Familiar, yet strange. Why does it seem wrong?
The other is newer, though I've carried it too
All through my life. It's me, but as who?
The quite softer features, the long, curly locks
A face like my mother's, but kept in a box
High up on a shelf in a place dark and dim.
What would happen if the daylight filtered in?
This other face, so graceful, yet sad,
Would letting it show be all that bad?
Expressing this part of me, forbidden so long,
Would it make me something wicked, evil, and wrong?
The longer I look, the more that I see,
Of the feminine side within the whole of me,
Is nothing of wicked, or evil, or wrong,
Just something ignored for far far too long.
Slowly, but surely, the face becomes clearer,
As to an awakening I ever draw nearer.
I feel a warm glow from within my heart's self
As I open the box up there on the shelf,
And let the dear light, heaven's radiance a-beaming
Onto my new face fall ever-long streaming.
I open my eyes on a whole different being
And pray that the world can see what I am seeing.
A loveliness, at least to my eyes, appearing.
Tender sweetness to my heart ever endearing.
I smile and sweet tears make my eyes glisten
As to the quiet voice I finally now listen.
And turn from my mirror, dread joy in my heart,
I take Adelle out and, as I depart,
On a still long journey I am only beginning,
A challenge uptaken; A challenge I'm winning!

The Door

I stand as I have so many times
Before the room with barely opened door
And imagine all the beauty and the rhymes
Waiting to be held for evermore.
And though the room beyond the door be darkened
It is sparkly as the vintage of the wine
Tis with great anticipation that I harken
To see a fuller beauty that is fine.
And when at last the light is brightly shining I see
I'm in the midst of someone's soul
And here it is within the sight and timing
That the smile upon her face shall be my goal.
For within the room I know the beauty lies
And 'tis for me to open wide the door
And silence all the thunder of her cries
And release the sparkling beauty evermore.


I wait in nervous anticipation
Second guessing my participation
in this little tete-a-tete

Am I sacrificing more?
Do I know what's in store
For me and the one that I met?

We both live outside the lines
Often jailed behind drawn blinds
Blinded to the looks we get

Now we both sit together, apart
Each measuring our beating heart
Breaking out in a cold sweat

Slowly, gently, my hand finds hers
A simple touch and my mind whirs
Our fingers twined as a net

She shifts to me, now hip to hip
I chew unknowing at my lip
And see her mouth, warm and wet

We lean closer, virgins to the touch
First kiss, trying to convey so much
Without speaking, yet

Feeling the warmth there beside me
Something releases deep inside me
And I play my dearest bet

I take this lady to my bed
Afterward I caress her head
And wonder at my new pet

Twelve Wide

A pretty woman
walking down the street
A pretty woman
who I'd like to meet

I check her out from
her foot to her head
A blonde or brunette
Or tresses of red

I used to ogle
her shapely formed leg
And from her I would
her phone number beg

Lately as I look
my mind, it wanders
Away from such thoughts
Away far yonder

As I see her clothes
Sexy and so nice
And her high heel shoes
I have to think twice

Not of games or lines
Or ploys I have tried
But, do those shoes come
in a size twelve wide?


I dress myself as maids of old
readied themselves for knights so bold.

Primping, preening to look so fair
With painted lips and fresh-washed hair.

Doing all this for one night out,
To meet the girls and gad about.

Smoothly shaved legs and face to match;
Gartered lace hose, a glance to catch.

Laced up corset, cinched in so tight,
Creates the shape that looks just right.

Soft silky blouse, with neck so low;
Smooth slinky skirt, slit up just so;

Things in my purse and keys in hand;
One last check. OH! I look so grand!

My feet move to the outside door,
but fear comes on as e'er before

My stomach churns; my hands, they shake;
My skin grows cold; my heart, it breaks.

I try so hard! I want so much!
But cannot bear the latch to touch.

My fears a-bloom; they mount and grow
With ev'ry foot closer I go.

Until becomes the fear so rare
Far far too big for me to bear

I turn away the fateful door
I've turned away so oft before

And sit me down and stop and stare
And start to weep in mis'ry there

The girls all say, "It just takes time."
"You'll get out soon." "You'll be just fine."

A wall stands there, as strong as steel
A gate guard mean, who makes no deal

Am I still, then, of worth to them,
Ladies who deign to call me friend?

They seek to sooth my stricken tears,
And try to quell my fatal fears.

I sit all dressed, from head to toe;
Strait-laced by fear, nowhere to go.


Who am I?
Where do I fit in?
Always alone
On the outside looking in.

What am I?
Where did I come from?
Heart without feeling,
Beating, but numb.

Why am I?
How did I get this way?
Struggling to make it
Through every long day.

Answers to questions
As weighty as these
Seem to titter
Teasingly on the breeze.

But the answers I seek
To my questions so rare
Are found inside me
Where my soul's laid bare.

Confronting these things
About myself and I
Scares me no end
'til I think I'll die.

My friends help out
I know they really try
But sometimes it's too much
And all I can do is cry.

I've got to pull
Myself together soon
And quit all this
Acting like a loon.

There's no reason why,
What, wherefore, or how
That I shouldn't
Enjoy the life I have right now.

So, buck up girlfriend
And let your beauty show
The world is your oyster
Bask in the pearly glow.

Bring yourself out
Quit hiding within
Head up, chin out,
Face it and grin.

Your better than you
Will ever admit
So accept yourself now
Let life get on with it.