For a fleeting moment
you stood before me
and reminded me of the love we shared
before years gone...
For a fleeting moment
you gazed upon me
with the light of a twinkle
in your eyes...
For a fleeting moment
you embraced me in your arms
and I felt the love
flow through you...
For a fleeting moment
I realized that i
had given up so much more
than I was unable and
unwilling to see so long...
For a fleeting moment
I felt the love and happiness
that I have longed for
and feel I deserve...
For a fleeting moment
I lived the dream
that I thought was lost
but just may have been delayed...
For a fleeting moment
I saw that I have been unjust
in not standing up
for what I have always believed in...
and for a fleeting moment
I felt like the princess
that you saw
and made me feel I was...
In all that I felt
and all that I saw
I realized that it was all just
"For a Fleeting Moment"

~~*Tina Marie Leon*~~

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