No empty promises to bind us..
no hands to wave a final farewell.
Solitude of sorrows than are born neath the soul.
Like a ship, in the mouth of the night, I lose myself...
I can hear voices in the distance.. I hear laughter..
But I remember you!
Where am I going? I do not know.. I know not what to seek.
As far as I'm concerned these paws of mine might take me to the North
Does distance anguish one? Is absence a cruel and unusual
It might as well be to the one who now travels alone..
But you remain with me!
You are with me.... And without staring into your eyes, I see
Here I am, my wretched beast of my most cruel daydreams.
I am now terribly infected by your mesmerizing gaze.
That I begin to believe all the women I see have something about
But they have nothing!
This one reminds me of your voice,
that one of your smile,
that other one of your austere air.
The illusion is maddening..
The visual betrayal is immense..
Better than you, more beautiful they could be...
But I do not want any of them...
I want only you!
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