First of all, this is NOT an ARG. This is a brief experiment in alternative encoding methods. There may be some of the standards (ROTs, Vigneres, binary/octal/hex/ASCII, stegs, etc.), but they will not be the only means of message transmission.

Secondly, I will be adding pages as I can think of puzzles. This means that yes, you will encounter a "End of the Trail For Now" page, but it may be replaced soon. That page is not a puzzle, so don't worry about it. :-)

Thirdly, I will include my email address at the bottom of each page. This is not part of any clue, nor will it every be. It's merely a way for you to get in contact with me if you so wish.

Fourthly, I have received reports of some issues with Geocities. Therefore, note that all page names will be entirely in lower-case. Also, geocities apparently has some issues with coloring text. Feel free to highlight at will to see the appropriate text.

Ready to go? Then Go for it!