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Does the Uniting Church welcome gay and lesbian members? it all depends

How can we work together to eliminate the divisions among the followers of Jesus?

unresolved sexuality issues

bearing faithful witness

American Psychological Association

The Uniting Church in Australia

the people of GOD on the way to the promised end

In July 1997, the Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia

President John Mavor told a press conference that the Assembly had endorsed the Uniting Church as an inclusive church that welcomes gay and lesbian members.

The Uniting Church in Paddington has come out in support of the gay and lesbian community, by placing a four square meter Safe Place banner over its church entrance.

One dilemma for many Evangelicals, Aborigines and members of ethnic minorities is that they are attracted by the social activism of the Uniting Church but they are strongly opposed to homosexuality.

Rev Alistair Macrae, as chairperson of the sexuality task force has received many phone calls. "Some just to say that this was the best news they'd ever heard from the church", he said.

The Uniting Church is listening to young people

Uniting Network:

The day Rev Dr Dorothy McRae McMahon acknowledged the reality of her sexuality was the day she felt whole and integrated for the first time in her life.

exploring the issues

Being attracted to someone of the same sex can be frightening so frightening that you may deny your feelings, or throw yourself into dating the opposite sex, just to prove you are not gay or lesbian.

Homosexuality is neither mental illness nor moral depravity. It is simply the way a minority of our population expresses human love and sexuality.

In The History of Sexuality, Volume I, Michel Foucault, distinguished between the earlier construction of the sodomite and the nineteenth-century construction of the homosexual

If we use the Bible as our only source for the history of kissing, we would conclude that same sex kissing was the norm and that no man had kissed a woman since Jacob kissed Rachel at Gen. 29:11 late in the third millennium BCE.

There word homosexual is not in the Bible. These Biblical texts have been interpreted by some people to refer to homosexuality, check out what they really mean.

In the light of God's creation of and love for all people, regardless of sexual orientation we are alarmed at the rise of homophobic behaviour and public statements.

Many people who have never read the writings of St Paul, believe he shared their prejudices about women and sexuality. What were St Paul's attitudes on sexuality and how do they support moves for gay rights?

For too long homosexuality has been thought of as the central problem of gay men and lesbians. The real issue is not homosexuality but homophobia, society's fear and persecution of us.

Judaism does not prohibit or in any way look down upon homosexual love. In the eyes of Judaism the love between two men or two women can be as natural as the love between a man and a woman.

Sexual attraction and sexual union leads to the closeness and intimacy of life, inspiring the kind and positive feelings and warmth that only sex can induce and only friendship and intimacy can sustain.

Wisconsin Clergy Issue Statement Affirming Christian Inclusivity May 12, 1997

The Presbyterian General Assemblies have addressed the issue of homosexuality in three broad categories

Methodist youth organization defends its homosexuality stance

questions about homosexuality and the church - Is homosexuality a sin? - God's gay tribe - the word homosexual in the Bible - love makes a family - does the church really oppress homosexuals? - a queer confession - queer theology - St Aelred of Rievaulx - the case against marriage

If you're convinced that you know the 'truth of God' and He has told you through your reading of the Bible that homosexuality is evil, there is nothing here which will convince you otherwise.Thanks for visiting our site!