it all depends . . .

Each year the Uniting Church baptises many gay and lesbian christians. We are welcomed at Christ's table and eligible for elected or appointed positions within the life of the congregation.

it all depends . . .

President John Mavor told a press conference that the Assembly had endorsed the Uniting Church as an inclusive church, and that gay and lesbian people were very welcome. The Assembly accepted that sexual orientation is no bar to ordination and committed the Church to a continuing dialogue about the place of homosexual people in its life, in the same spirit of openness and compassion that prevailed during the Assembly.

it all depends . . .

It is with deep regret that the Assembly Standing Committee recognises that instances of abuse, harassment and vilification have occurred in the church since the 1997 Assembly, arising from differences of conviction on homosexuality.

it all depends . . .

how we experience the world

how we understand God

how we understand ourselves

how we respond

thank you for making me queer

queer christians - trust your feelings - sexuality - faith - books - links

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