sexuality proposals introduced
at Perth Assembly July 1997
introduction to the revised sexuality report,
by the Rev. Alistair Macrae, Chairperson Assembly Task Group on Sexuality, at the Assembly Standing Committee meeting in March 1997.
full recommendations
of the Assembly Task Group on Sexuality
one small step on sexuality policy
sexual orientation is no bar to ordination President John Mavor told a press conference yesterday that the Assembly had endorsed the Uniting Church as an inclusive church, and that gay and lesbian people were very welcome.
commitment of Church to be inclusive
and continue sexuality dialogue in the same spirit of openness and compassion that has prevailed during the meeting of Assembly in Perth
recognise with sadness
inability to reach further agreement
churches can discriminate
against and vilify homosexual people sometimes openly, sometimes in confidential processes.
three former Presidents'
report to Assembly Standing Committee identified four major issues which epitomise areas needing more work by the Church:
- understanding Scripture,
- homosexual people in leadership positions in the Church,
- blessing of same sex relationships,
- how the Church deals with controversial issues.
Uniting Network
respond to three former Presidents' report
National Social Responsibility and Justice Committee
comment on three former Presidents' report