Re-imagining Love: Embracing our Strength

was the title of the third gathering for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people, their families and friends within the life of the Uniting Church in Australia.

Held over the June long weekend (5th - 8th June 1998) in Sydney it featured three major speakers and a range of workshops and forums.

This conference rediscovered the sense of God's call to love and relationship that goes beyond the current debate in the church on patterns of sexual expression. The Conference explored theory and practice that can set a beacon for the church as an open and inclusive community.

Speakers included Dr Carter Heyward a leading Liberation Theologian from the Episcopal Divinty School Cambridge Massachusetts USA who has made a significant contribution to gender, justice and sexuality studies, Rev Dr David Bromell of the Christchurch New Zealand Methodist Mission who as a scholar and activist has been in the centre of the recent debate within the church in that country and Rev Dr Dorothy McRae-McMahon well known activist and justice spokesperson for an Australian context for current issues of sexuality and justice.

For further details on support groups in every state and territory in Australia contact the Secretary of the Uniting Network by email at

Queer Young Christians

'cos who you are is o.k. - a young Melbourne group who wanted to stay in contact after the Daring Conference 1997.

uniting sexuality and faith