Aims of the UNITING NETWORK for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender concerns.

  • to provide a safe place within the church where lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people, their families and friends are affirmed, their gifts used, their loving relationships valued and their faith nurtured.
  • to strive for the inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people, their families and friends as full participants in the life, ministry and mission of the Unting Church in Australia.
  • to participate in the ongoing struggle for justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people within the Uniting Church in Australia and in society.

We pray for an inclusive and whole church.

We pray that the church will dare to listen, to look on our faces and see there the image of God, to hear the pain and feel the shared joy, and to go on struggling towards the truth.

We pray that the church will indeed know that great hope to which we are called in Jesus Christ and that it will be open to Christ's power to reconcile us to each other and to God.


(The Daring Statement June 1994)

For further details on support groups in every state and territory in Australia contact the Secretary of the Uniting Network by email at

from uniting sexuality and faith