comments from my friends
I like the way you frame your thoughts in dialogue with your experience. I like this sense of gentle but clear self formation over and against dominant discourses . . . it is nice stuff to read . . . very aesthetically formed with integrity.
your webpages are truly incredible!
So much rhetoric is caught up in justifying oneself according to the problems of the critic.
Lets get beyond this and build a church which it includes diversity, where gay and lesbian and racial groups and men and women are not forced into ghettos.
Thank you for the great work you're doing Down Under. I have enjoyed and benefited from my several visits to your website, you're off to quite a promising start with the content. I will bookmark your site.
Thank you for all the work you have put into setting up and maintaining the page about the UCA Mardi Gras float. The internet has become my lifeline as far as connecting to what was going on back in Sydney. I watched the parade over the internet and was delighted and proud to see so many UCAers in such a vibrant demonstration of God's love for all people.
Never turn back!
Dear friends who marched I wish I had known about this site a few weeks ago. Thank you for marching, you carried many of us with you. Please please make sure you march again next year. We as a family would love to come and join you, all the way from Melbourne.
Thank you for your courage and faith
People of my generation are sexually active by the time they are 18. If they are forced to hide that fact, they are not going to feel very comfortable coming to church
I believe in developing communities of solidarity and difference, that provide both strong support and grace but are also resistant and difficult in the dominant discourse.
I am into building strong local communities that will model what it is to be the church. How normal it is to be in a parish where sexual preference is not an issue and gay and lesbian people do everything that needs to be done in the life of the church.
Thankyou for putting this on the internet. It is a great witness.
You add a certain well crafted polish to what you do. I find you politically astute, theologically aware and genuine.
I was delighted to find this webpage which gave a voice to those in the Uniting Church like myself who see the Kingdom of God as including all God's children, despite race, creed or sexual orientation.
In my opinion as a straight woman, I am glad our church is open and inclusive. I could not worship somewhere if I was told that loving someone means going to hell.
I think what you did with your web site is wonderful, and it is people like you that make going into these publishing sites worth while. Thanks for helping to keep the faith.
thank you for being there.
I am an active Anglican and am always grateful to see that there are people out there who understand that it is possible to be gay and christian. So often the public perception of homosexuals is formed on an outspoken minority. Whether out or closeted most of us are getting on with our lives with the same kind of integrity about our sexuality as most heterosexuals. Struggles of faith are hard enough under the best of circumstances. The last thing we need is the added burden of our own zealous brothers and sisters who fail to meet us where we are and in so doing, fail to follow the example of all inclusive love which Christ himself exhorts us to follow.
This is one of the best sites re. about being gay and being a Christian. As an active gay man who used to be a member of the Uniting Church, I've had a lot of thinking to do since coming out. I've also had my fair share of Christians disown me which is nothing but tragic for all concerned. I'm just so glad this site exists and hope it will continue to help people to accept diversity and encourage compassion/empathy for people who live different lives. Please, keep this thing going!
These pages and links are a wonderful resource to serve gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people and the family and friends. Thanks for all the hard work you put into this venture, Jerome. Peace and Blessings to all those who read this. United in Christ we will overcome all adversity.
I am impressed by your pages on sexuality. Very well thought out.
Jerome, this is just fantastic. Congratulations on what you have put together. I have printed almost every page.
I love the scriptures given to prove the statements . . . Love It!!! Thank You so much!!!
It was nice to read something uplifting about my sexuality and God. Thanks Steve