indexUniting Network

the national network for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people, their families and friends within the Uniting Church in Australia.

Statement to the Church

It is with deep regret that the Assembly Standing Committee recognises that instances of abuse, harassment and vilification have occurred in the church since the 1997 Assembly, arising from differences of conviction on homosexuality.

Members of Standing Committee have received clear evidence of many instances of abusive behaviour, coming from various parts of the church.

Such instances include:

This behaviour, and the attitudes which underlie it, are entirely inappropriate and unacceptable within the church of Jesus Christ. It is contrary to the 1997 Assembly's request that the continuing dialogue be conducted in "the same spirit of openness and compassion" that prevailed at the Assembly.

As Christians, members of the one body of Christ, we are called to engage in debate with respect and love towards others. Convictions may be expressed with firmness and passion, but always with care, courtesy, and graciousness. There is no place in the Christian community for personal denigration, for violent language, or for harassing actions.

In a church which welcomes the gifts of the Spirit on all God's people, we are called to make "every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace". The Assembly Standing Committee requests all members of the church to ensure that their words and actions are characterised by the fruit of the Spirit - "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control".

Approved 14 November 1998.
Uniting Church in Australia
Assembly Standing Committee.

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