indexUniting Network

the national network for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people, their families and friends within the Uniting Church in Australia.
from the Daring 98 conference

Statement to the Church

Re-imagining Love: Embracing Our Strength - Daring 98 Conference

We, who are gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender, and our families and friends, participants in the 1998 Daring Conference held in Sydney June 5-8, bring our message to the rest of the Uniting Church.

The theme of our conference this year has been "Re-imagining love and embracing our strength". This we have done as we have worshipped God, listened to each other, shared our stories, sung our songs and claimed the abundant life offered to us in Jesus Christ.

In the re-imagining of love, we affirm that

In the embracing of our strength, we say to ourselves and the church

Inspired by the Spirit, we go on being the church which is called into life by a Christ who lays no conditions for the receiving of costly love. We will not rest, because to rest is to die and we are given the gift of risen life.

We claim our lives and give account of them in our gathering together of caring for each other, in writing, praying and telling our stories, in poems, songs and art.

We have formed a wheel of life, power and love in this sacred hour.

introduction to uniting network web site