Uniting Network
the national network for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people, their families and friends within the Uniting Church in Australia.
Who are we?
We are a diverse people of faith, united in our love and commitment to God, one another and the church.
We strive to be a community built on the love and mercy of God that:-
- provides a safe place within the Uniting Church in Australia, where lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people, their families, supporters and friends are affirmed. We provide a safe place where their gifts are used, where their loving relationships valued and where their faith is nurtured.
- strives for the inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people, their families, supporters and friends as full participants in the life, ministry and mission of the Uniting Church in Australia.
- participates in the ongoing struggle for justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people within the Uniting Church in Australia and in society.
- supports those who are isolated by distance or by their experience in the church.
What is our History?
In June 1994, the Daring to Speak, Daring to Listen Conference was held in Adelaide, South Australia. It was the first national gathering affirming the place of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people, their families and friends within the life of the Uniting Church in Australia. The Conference was the result of discussions between "Unity", "Connexions", and "Cross Section" the (then) existing support groups in South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales.
The Conference decided that a national network of support would give a voice and more ably present to the Church the views, opinions and concerns of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people within the Uniting Church in Australia and would act as a link between the State groups and individuals in all States.
A conference statement was made to the Church in which lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people, their families and friends claimed their unity as people of God and their ongoing place as faithful members of the Uniting Church in Australia.
A second Daring Conference, Daring to Live - Daring to Move On was held in Melbourne in June 1996 and a third Daring Conference re-imagining love, embracing our strength was held in Sydney during the long-weekend of June 5-8, 1998.
What Do We Believe?
We believe:-
- All people are part of God’s good creation and bear the image of the Creator.
- Our spirituality and sexuality are integral; to our life and being.
- All are called to the same fullness of life in Christ.
- All sin and ‘fall short of the Glory of God’; and are saved ‘by grace through faith.’
- In Scripture we hear the continuing voice of God and there is always ‘more light and truth to break forth from God’s Word.’
- The Church is called to be a ‘fellowship of reconciliation. . . an instrument through which Christ may work and bear witness to himself.’ [Basis of Union, para. 3.]
- We are called to use our God-given gifts for all humanity through Christ’s church.
- All faithful, loving committed relationships can reflect the love and faithfulness of God.
- Christ is in our midst and we rejoice in the ‘gift of the Spirit, in order that we may not lose the way." [Basis of Union, para. 4]
What Is Our Vision?
We long for a church:-
- that dares to be a pilgrim people living the fullness of the Gospel.
- moving to new adventures of faith
- open to new perceptions of truth in Scripture
- encouraging the diversity of God’s Creation
- seeing Christ in all people
- using every God-given gift for all humanity and building the church
- declaring in word and action God’s grace and mercy for all people?
- affirming all liberating and life enhancing relationships
- standing with those who struggle for justice
- where. within our diversity, we continue in dialogue with one another.
We dare to move on, led by the Spirit, discovering new strengths, sharing our faith with our brothers and sisters outside the church and rejoicing in those who journey with us.
We ask you to pray for us, as we pray for the wholeness of our church.
We pray that the church will dare to listen,
to look on our faces and see there the image of God,
to hear the pain and feel the shared joy,
and to go on struggling towards the truth.
We pray that the church will indeed know that great hope to which it is called in Jesus Christ and that it will open to Christ’s power to reconcile us to each other and to God.
Inspired by the Spirit, we go on being the church which is called into life by a Christ who lays no conditions for the receiving of costly love. We will not rest, because to rest is to die and we are given the gift of risen life.
We claim our lives and give account of them in our gathering together of caring for each other, in writing, praying and telling our stories, in poems, songs and art.