love is the highest expression of ethics

It is an issue of love, beauty and freedom of being.

How dare you pretend to know what is best for me?

Watch me and learn something about the beauty of life!

If you pretend to seek love, allow yourself to be inspired by the love I share with my companions. Our hearts soar, our eyes behold the beauty of life and we cannot be tamed to fit into the neat categories like men, women, heterosexual or even homosexual.

Few alive today can remember, but there was a time when one did not need to declare allegiance to a sexual orientation. None are alive today when there was no such thing as homosexuality. Not until 1869 was there the concept of sexual identity. Before then, there was simply sexual behavior. People were not put into categories based upon how they got off until the psychologists gave us these new identities. The entire structure of being homosexual and what we call "gay" today was imposed upon us by a male dominated heterosexual elite. I propose we throw it back at them and tell them to shut up.

We are obsessed today with whether someone is gay or straight. This fascination with labels is not a step toward freedom. What business is it of yours what someone feels sexually at the moment unless you want to engage in sex with them? We require people to disclose their sexual orientation on the false assumptions that

  1. sexual orientation is a matter that is fixed and inflexible and
  2. that there is some form of safety or security for ourselves in having others so declare.
Neither assumption is objectively supportable and both are dangerous to the development of a healthy personhood.

queer christians

queer sexuality

queer faith

queer books

queer links

Why not encourage each person to decide, for the moment, who and what they wish to be? We are terrified of this kind of freedom precisely because we have not bothered to create along with it a responsibility for our actions. Instead we create structures, forms and constraints thinking that they will provide a substitute for individuality. They won't. Responsibility cannot be imposed. It must be self generated or else it is a violation of the spirit.

Our heritage is the realm of the spirit. We have known the ecstasy of dancing with the muses and have dared to tell the world about it through the arts. The issue is not where we put our genitals, it is whether we can aspire to a higher ethic, a devotion to the art of living, the commitment to being beautiful that makes us different.

What we need is the kind of admiration for ourselves that comes not by conforming our behavior to the standards of someone else, no matter how well meaning, but the respect of self that comes from knowing that we have sought the guidance of our spirit, have heeded it and have been of service the future of our community.

We must stop our obscene search for acceptance by the larger public. They probably never will and frankly, I could care less. I refuse to gauge my self worth based on popularity polls and election results. Sure, it is hard to deal with a world that objectifies me and treats me unfairly. That is the way it is until it changes, and I would rather devote my time and energy to expanding what God gives me than whining about what he has not given me.

To be gay is to be daring, bold and unconcerned for the conventional.

Dare to be different. Have a sense of humor about yourself and your situation. Carry no guilt, no shame and no explanation. If you don't like something, don't go to the show. If you find fulfillment in a particular form of expression, do it with all the grace, humility and beauty you can muster. Apologize to no one. Relish the dance for the moment, not for the reaction of the audience.

Do not look to anyone else for the shape of who you are. Fill yourself with the spirit that yearns to express itself through you. Find time to be quiet within yourself and wait for that which calls you forth. Live from within to without, reject that which is outside as a source of your inspiration. Yes, we must bend with the winds and deal with the reality of the world around us, but we need never deny who we are because of them.

Our contribution to society lies not in being like them but in the exploration of the fringe, the fulfillment of being queer. If the world around us cannot learn to accept us, maybe it is time to find a bigger world for them to live in.

Grin and get on with it.
If you hurt, give someone the love they need at the moment.
Let your spirit guide you.

thank you for making me queer

queer christians - trust your feelings - sexuality - faith - books - links