From: SRU: hoof and tail Sunday, April 23, 2000 Warning, this is my first story. I consider it an SRU story, but that is open to opinion. All due respect to Bill Hart for creating the series. Please post this anywhere that's free. Please have mercy if I have sinned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jordan was in big trouble. His dad had laid down the law, if he didn't get a job with some good money soon he was out of the house. Jordan was 19 years old, had never held any kind of job for more then three weeks, and had only made it out of high school by the skin of his teeth. But what he really needed now was an easy, well paying job, preferably with some hot girls involved. This was the reason he had come to the new Mega Mall. It was on of those five-story giants with the 20 screen movie theaters, immense food courts, and six kajillion stores that had so far yeilded zilch. None of the stores wanted a guy who had no real resume. Jordan was already on the top floor looking for a job at Victoria's Secret (among other things:-) when he saw an old beat up antique shop. Spells R. Us. The sign said. "These guys are going to get their asses sued off" Jordan muttered to himself. There was no Help Wanted sigh in the window, but what did he have to lose? Jordan walked through the door (?) and heard the tiny silver bell signal his coming. "Hello Jordan, I'm afraid that I don't have any jobs open around here, but why don't you check the bulletin board," said the old man who had just appeared behind the counter. The guy looked to be somewhere in his mid to late hundreds, yet he still had a spark of life in his eyes. The weird thing was that he was dressed in what appeared to be a blue bathrobe. "Hey, wait," Jordan said, "How..." "DON'T ASK!!! I am sick of that damn question, log on to Sapphire's Place." The weird old coot exploded. "Now, unless you want to end up on the street, check the bloody bulletin board." Jordan was about to ask 'what bulletin board' when he noticed the old notice board behind him that he could have sworn wasn't there before. However, Jordan didn't care, the thing was full of possible jobs, they were: Bikini Beach: Lifeguard wanted, includes lifetime pass. Topless Girl strip club: now hiring sexy women Magic Valley Day Care: now enrolling Eddie Glover High School Cheerleading Squad: Needs new members Central City Pound: Collecting stray pets None of these options sounded very appealing. That was when Jordan saw an ad at the very bottom to the board. Hoof and Tail race track, only a few hours work a day, great money, not many girls, but Jordan could live with that. He took the ad over to the Old Man and asked him what he had to do in order to get the job. "Simple, show up at the track tomorrow at 9:00 am and you'll be taken care of. The address is on the card." And with that, Jordan left without even saying thank you. "Strange," came a voice from the back room of the shop, "I thought you were going to transform him yourself, why didn't you?" "Dannie, I can't hog all the fun now can I? Call it...professional courtesy." * * * The next day, Jordan arrived at the horse track and was greeted by a man who looked to be in his mid-thirdys who said he owned the place. "Hi, I'm the head horseman around here," he said,"If you'll head over to the main stable and wait inside stall number 9 I'll be with you shortly." "OK." Jordon said as he headed down the short path to the stable. When he got there he walked past all the race horses until he got to stall # 9, it was empty??? Well, the guy did say to wait inside the stall, so Jordan did something he didn't do that often, he followed directions. But as he stepped into the stall all the other horses started to yell, shout, and generally scream their heads off. Jordon decided he had better get out of there and fast, but when he tried, the door was locked. He shook, slammed, and even tried to jump over it, but he was trapped. That was shortly the very least of his problems. He felt what seemed to be a major itch in his pants, just above his ass. Suddenly, it burst through his blue jeans. A brush-like brown tail! Next, his butt shot out like a torpedo as his two legs split into four. His poor blue jeans and shoes were torn to shreds as his lower body was converted into that of a horse. At this point Jordan looked just like a centaur. He stood 7 foot 2, a foot and a half taller then normal, his equine rump was a light brown, the same color as his hair, and his equipment felt like a fire hose. 'Cool", he thought, ' I could learn to like this.' "Hey, what's happening!?" he screamed. The horses hair that had stopped at his waist was growing, moving up his chest. His waist narrowed as his arms shrank and shriveled away to nothing. Jordan's ears elongated as they moved to the top of his head. POW! His nose blasted out so far that his mouth went along for the ride. His eyes moved to the side of his face as they turned a deep wide black. By this time the hair had covered his entire body. A few seconds later Jordan was a horse. His first instinct was to call for help, but al that came out was a loud whiny 'What's happened to me!!!! I'm a HORSE!' Even as these thoughts were running through the young stallions mind, the head horseman enter the room. "Ah, I see you're done. I know you have questions, don't worry, I've heard them all before. You've taken a job here, that means you'll be in the races. Your family and friends won't remember you ever existed. And yes, you will be human again, when your horse body grows old, or can't race for some reason, I'll change you back. Hey, take it easy," he said as Jordan began to kick and complain, "you won't be bored, you'll find the races quite exciting...Number 9." Jordan winced at his new title," And when you're not racing, well can't you smell the mares already you stud stallion." Jordan smiled, the Old Man had had given him what he wanted. An easy job, all he had to do was run and have sex. He would get a lot of cash when he changed back. And he defiantly got some hot Jordan was surprisingly happy. * * * Back at SRU: The Old Man and his apprentice Dannie looked up from the crystal ball. "Well, my dear, how did you like the show?" the wizard asked. "Interesting, I thought you only liked to do TG." The young former man responded. "Come come my young apprentice. Variety is the spice of life, and some of the readers and Almighty Authors think I'm getting predictable. Now get on the crystal and place $1000 on #9 for tomorrow's race." The Old man said as the store disappeared off the face of the mall. P.S. If anyone wants to use Hoof and Tail on any other stories fine, just run the idea by me first and give me (Icthorin) credit for H&T. Also H&T does any king of equine TF and TG is legal. * * *