GCER: Galesburg Coalition for Equal Rights

Galesburg, Illinois

Promoting Diversity and Equal Rights for gay, lesbian,
and bisexual members of the Galesburg community.

The Galesburg Coalition for Equal Rights is a volunteer organization whose purpose is to help bring basic civil rights protection to gays and lesbians in Galesburg, Illinois. We advocate amending the Galesburg Human Relations Ordinance to include sexual orientation as a protected category and sponsor speakers as a means of educating our community.

Statement of Purpose

As members of the Galesburg community...

Why is an Amendment Necessary?
What does the Amendment NOT do?
The History of this issue: News stories and Letters of Opinion
What opponents say about us and this issue

Examples of other Anti-Discrimination Ordinances or Policies:

Knox College has a non-discrimination policy that covers faculty, staff and students at the college.
Cook County has a Anti-discrimination ordinance
Organizations and Companies with non-discrimination policies.
States with non-discrimination policies

We Need Your Help! How you can do more...

Have you been discriminated against? Need assistance? Contact us! gcer@geocities.com

Contact the City Human Relations Commission Members and thank them for their fight against discrimination. If you have faced discrimination, please let them know of your circumstances. Although they cannot legally take action under city ordinance, they are looking to document cases of discrimination in order to address the issue before the City Council.

GCER Calendar of Events

Come join us! The Galesburg Coalition for Equal Rights meets the first Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. at the Galesburg Community Center, 150 East Simmons Street.

"NOT IN OUR TOWN" project against hate crime

Resource Links to other important sites

Contact us: gcer@geocities.com

Co-Chairs: Virginia Kasser & Paul Steenis
Treasurer: Peggy Glavas
Snail Mail: GCER, P.O. Box 1188, Galesburg, IL 61402

This page was last updated on July 3, 1998