Text of the liturgy for our Union ceremony.

Assembly of guests & witnesses

Ingress with music

Great is thy faithfulness


* God of all people, we rejoice in your life in the midst of our lives. You are the one true light illumining every one. You show us the way, the truth and the life. You love us even when we are unloving and unfaithful. You sustain us with your Holy Spirit. We praise you for your presence with us at all times and especially in this act of solemn covenant. We seek this through Jesus Christ our ruler and guide. Amen.

Presentation for Union by the families

Witness from Hebrew Scripture

Hear the witness from Hebrew scripture recorded in the (Song of Solomon 7:10 to 8:7) I am my Beloved's and he is hot for me. Come my Beloved and let us hide in the fields, let's hang out in small towns. Let's get up early to go into the vineyard and see if the vine flowers, and the pomegranates bud. There I will give you my loves. Who can give you to me as if you were my brother who suckled at the breast of my mother? When I find you outside [If you were my brother] I would kiss you openly and without fear and they would not despise me. I would lead you. I would bring you into my mother's house. You would teach me. I would press pomegranate juice for you. Your left hand is under my head and your right hand would embrace me. I charge you O children of Jerusalem not to awaken my beloved until he pleases. ... Set me as a seal on your arm; for love is strong as death. Jealousy is as cruel as Sheol. Its flames are coals of fire, a flame of Yahweh. Many waters cannot quench love. The rivers will not flood it.

Lighting of the Candles

Lighting of individual candles,

Lighting of the Unity candle,

(An acolyte comes to the altar with a candle lighter burning) Gene and Charles pick up individual candles and turn to face the light bearer as she comes forward. Gene and Charles light their candles from the candle lighter and turn to face the front again. Light bearer leaves with the light still lit. The ministers speak while Gene and Charles light their individual candle and hold it.)

Witness from the Christian Scriptures

Hear the words from the Greek Scripture recorded in (Acts 8:26-31 35-39)

An angel of the Lord spoke to Phillip saying, rise up and get you down south into the desert along the highway from Jerusalem to Gaza. Phillip went. An Ethiopian man, an official in the court of Queen Candace, indeed who was the officer in charge of all her possessions was on that road. He had been in Jerusalem to worship and was returning home. He was sitting on the chariot, and was reading in Isaiah. The spirit prompted Phillip to chase after the chariot. Running beside it Phillip heard the Eunuch reading in the book of Isaiah. He shouted over, "Do you know what you are reading? The man answered back, How can I if know one will explain it to me? And [he then] called Phillip onto the chariot and sat with him. Opening his mouth and beginning from this scripture Phillip preached to him the gospel of Jesus. As they continued on the highway they passed a muddy brook. The Eunuch said, Behold water! What hinders me from being baptized? Phillip replied without hesitation, It is lawful if you believe with your whole heart. Answering he said I believe Jesus Christ to be the Child of God. He commanded the chariot to stand still and they both went down into the water. Phillip baptized him. When they came out of the water the Spirit of the Lord took Phillip from there and the Eunuch did not see him again. He continued on his trip full of joy and mirth.

Eucharist for the Couple and attendants


* God invites to this table all who love him, who earnestly repent of their sin and who seek to live in peace with human kind. Therefore let us confess our sin before God and each other.


* Holy God your love pours over us like the waters of the sea break on the shore. From the foundation of the Earth you have been constant in your love for us. The morning sun and evening moon are constant reminders of your steadfast and unchanging love. Our love for you is as fickle as your love for us is constant. We fail to lean on your love; we fall short in our trust of you. Grant us grace to experience more fully your love and power and more fully to see, to know and to feel your constant presence in our lives. Redeem us from our petty concerns; forgive us for our doubts, our fears, and our faithlessness and deliver us from all that keeps us from you. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray. Amen

Proclamation of Pardon


Pour out your Holy Spirit on us gathered here, and on these gifts of bread and wine. Holy God, be present with us this day in the bread and the wine set upon this table. Let it become for us the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Let its power wash away our sins and give us spiritual meat to sojourn in this world. By your spirit make us one with Christ, one with each other and one in ministry to all the world until Christ returns in power and might and we feast at the heavenly banquet. Amen.

Breaking the bread,

Giving the bread and cup

(The server shall say to each of the attendants.) The body of Christ, your Passover. The blood of Christ, your redemption. Let us pray. Holy God, we give you thanks for the meat shared at this table, for the people gathered here and for your sacrifice and redemption. Grant that we may go into the world in the strength of your Spirit to give ourselves for others in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

His Eye is on the Sparrow

(This was what H L sang for us.)

The wedding Song

(This was our choice of song. H L Could not sing it)
God is now to be among you at the calling of your hearts
Rest assured this troubador is acting on his part.
The union of your spirits here has caused him to remain
For wherever two or more of you are gathered in his name
There is love. There is love

Well one man shall leave his father and a man shall leave his home
They shall travel on to where the two shall be as one
As it was in the beginning, is now and till the end,
A man shall draw his life from God and give it back again.
And there is love. There is love.

What's to be the reason for the joining of our lives?
Is itlove that brings you here? or love that brings you life.
For If loving is the answer, tell me who's the giving for,
Do you believe in something that you've never seen before?
Oh there's love. Oh there'is love.
God is now to be among you at the calling of your hearts
Rest assured this troubador is acting on his part.
The union of your spirits here has caused him to remain
For wherever two or more of you are gathered in his name
There is love. There is love

Prayer for Holy Union

Grottaferrata (eleventh century Greek)
Office for Same Sex Union

The minister shall place the holy Gospel on the Gospel stand and they that are to be joined together shall place their hands on it, holding lighted candles in their left hands. Then shall the priest cense them and say the following:
* In peace we beseech thee O Lord.
* For heavenly peace, we beseech thee O Lord.
* For the peace of the entire world, we beseech Thee, O Lord.
* For this holy place, we beseech thee O Lord.
* That these, thy servants, Gene and Charles be sanctified with thy spiritual benediction, we beseech thee O Lord
* That their love abide without offense or scandal all the days of their lives, we beseech Thee, O Lord.
* That they be granted all things needed for salvation and godly enjoyment of life everlasting, we beseech Thee, O Lord
* That the Lord God grant unto them unashamed faithfulness and sincere love, we beseech Thee, O Lord
* That we be saved, we beseech Thee, O Lord
* Have mercy on us O God
* Lord Have mercy, Christ Have mercy, Lord have mercy The priest shall say
* Forasmuch as Thou, O Lord and Ruler art merciful and loving who didst establish humankind after thine image and likeness, who didst deem it meet that thy holy apostles Phillip and Bartholomew be united, bound one unto the other not by nature but by faith and the spirit. As Thou didst find thy holy martyrs Serge and Bacchus worthy to be united together, bless also these thy servants Gene and Charles, joined together not by the bond of nature but by faith and in the mode of the spirit, granting unto them peace and love and oneness of mind. Cleanse from their hearts every stain and impurity and vouchsafe unto them to love each other without hatred and without scandal all the days of their lives with the aid of all the saints, forasmuch as all glory is thine.

From Same sex unions in Pre Modern Europe by John Boswell Page 294

Exchange of vows

Charles, as you take Gene by the hand, repeat after me: Gene, as you take Charles by the hand, repeat after me: