This is a short lesson, meant to impress upon you the differences of coding in three environments. (Netscape, IE, and a simple editor like CuteHTML.)
You will be coding in those environments later, not now, though. For now you will code in GeoCities' Advanced HTML editor. This saves you the hassle of FTP.
I always find that my favorite environment for coding is an HTMl editor. Colors and sizes are just a click away, and images are easy to place and install. Also, you can preview at any time.
You can't really just open a coding window in Netscape or IE, you can only view the results there. To "code" in Netscape or IE, you should be putting your HTML into a WordPad document.
Then you can open said WordPad document in Netscape or Internet Explorer.
All three methods have the same drawback, and that is FTP. In order to get a completed page from your computer to the GeoCities server so everyone can view it, you must send the file utilizing FTP procedures.
Once you've sent a page, you must make sure that all of the background images and pictures on it have been placed in your GeoCities File manager, using the same names you gave them in your links as their titles.
This is why you will start out building simple pages in each environment, so that there are no pictures to worry about.
Try building a page in Cute HTML, in WordPad (open it in your choice of browser), and in the Advanced HTML editor. Then upload your Cute HTML page and your WordPad page using the FTP client here on Geocities.
Understand this?