Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

“My friends are dead
I’m sick of this shit.”
- Anonymous

Queer in the USA

Too Gay!

Stop Hate Boycott ExxonMobil Hate Hurts No Hate

The Hunger Site

Last edited:  Friday, September 14, 2001


The government keeps wringing its hands, saying that something must be done.  No duh.  In the meantime, the pharmaceutical corporations are making record profits, the Republican Party, along with some Democrats, continues to vilify homosexuals, taking full advantage of Americans’ continuing squeamishness about sex, especially when it comes to teenagers and homosexuality.

(Obviously, the Dutch government has a much more enlightened view; these posters appeared at the main train station in Amsterdam in 1993.  The English translation is: “I play safely or I don’t play.”)

Well, guess what, folks, all these people dying of AIDS while in their 20s probably became infected as teenagers.  And they’re not all queer.  Or I-V drug users.  Or hemophiliacs.  In fact, the next one infected could be you.  Or your son.  Or your daughter.  Or some other loved one.  Or that celebrity you so admire.

Why am I doing this?  While this is hardly an original idea, it is my fervent hope that if enough people see enough names of enough dead people, they’ll be moved to actually do something.  The Vietnam War protests proved that if enough people demand action, and demand it with enough decibels, the government will respond.

Eventually, with your help, I’ll add the names of your friends and loved ones here, too.  All you need to do is send me an e-mail with the subject: AIDS Wall, and tell me the names you’d like added.   I promise I’ll get to it.

Here are the names, so far

Al ParkerAlthea FlyntAmanda BlakeAndrew AlampiAnthony SabatinoArthur AsheBill LemonBob CraigBob DoyleBob HoppeBrad DavisBryan CoyleBree Scott-HarlandBruce Du BeauBruce KahlBruce WalkerCal AndersonCameron MacDavidCharles R. CaulfieldCharlie SeltzChris BrownlieChris FairchildChristian FarrowConnie NormanCory Roberts-AuliCraig Seeley (Les Stevens)Dack (Norman Jay) RamboDan FloodDaniel Trail David CarpenterDavid CrowellDavid EckhartDean X. JohnsonDerek Anson JonesDoug HarrisonDick PabichEd DinakosElizabeth Glazer(Bishop) Emerson J. MooreEric Wright (Easy-E)Father David Myers (Big Dave)Frank P. LamendolaFreddie MercuryGabriel ArreolaGeorge E. Harris III (Hibiscus)Glenn BurkeGreg BlakeneyJack Hawkins (aka Kip Tyler)Jacques MoraliJames MaderitzJeff MathenyJeffrey WallachJerome CajaJerryJerry FrankelJerry MillsJim RevaJim YouslingJoel 3John Chidester (Sister X)John HolmesJohnny BeckJon HinsonKeith AndersonKelcy McHonigKimberly BergalisKyle BrackettLarry DayLarry RavstenLee MathisLiberaceLeonard MatlovichLoniMario TamayoMark C. PhillipsMark ChapaMark HuestisMark John VincentMark JonesMark KostopolusMark McLaughlinMark Niblock-SmithMark Smith(Dr.) Mark WilburMarlon RiggsMart Dayne McChesnyMarty ZeitmanMarvin AragonMax RobinsonMay SartonMichael AlemánMichael BennettMichael CallenMiranda Rose VentolaMitch BandanzaMichael McDowellNeil MandlerNigel HartOfra HazaPatricia MillerPaul AnelliPaul CorserPaul DelMonacoPaul MonettePaul NashPedro ZamoraPeter L. TyreePhil WhitledgePhilip L. ArtopeRand SchraderRenee RussellRich NewmanRich YoungRichard IostyRichard ReinschRichard SnipsteadRick Neill (Trixie Blondage)Rick SnellRicky TurnerRob RobertsRobert ColeRobert Kurt MytingerRobert NimchekRobert WagenhofferRock HudsonRoger BennettRoger EmeryRoger SlaterRoscoe JohnsonRoxy VentolaRyan NakagawaRyan WhiteSimon NkoliStephen SmithStephen SpenderSteve MichaelSteve TracySteven CorbinSteve RenteriaSteve TracySwen SwensenTalavanTed ElliottTerry DolanTom SteelTom StoddardTom Teak(Dr.) Tom WaddellTony BalcenaTony LeoneTracy SypertVern JosephsonVernon Copy Berg, Jr.(Father) Victor David MyersVinny VentolaVito RussoWade RichardsWayne KarrWilliam HarrisZahyra Klein

Gaywire World News

Bush AIDS Flag

The copyright for the BUSH AIDS FLAG is held by ACT UP/Los Angeles
.  All rights reserved.

This photo was taken at Ernst Reuter Platz in Berlin, the day before the IX International AIDS Conference opened.  We spent good part of the day before cutting lumber and nailing these crosses together.  Our second(!) street demonstration that afternoon (mind you, the LA and San Francisco contingents had arrived less than 48-hours before!) culminated with the planting of these crosses.  To their credit, the city of Berlin left the crosses in place — at least through the end of the conference.

Photograph ©1993 Time Magazine.  All Rights Reserved.

This AIDS Wall is maintained by Randy Amasia, who reminds you that:

PS: I liberated the dripping blood graphic from that vile anti-abortion/pro-murder web site, but the lovely music is Empty Garden (Elton John/Bernie Taupin).

You say "Reagan," I say "Raygun," let's call the whole thing off!

Special thanks to Mike Marincic for the plate.

(Courtesy Think Again.)

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